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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Went office then to dhoby ghaut to meet jenn (:
bus-ed back with her. ate our dinner and off i go home.
There goes my off day. tmr is full shift, i might just die in the shop :
thats all. i got nothing to blog either..~

i want you to be happy. I knew i can be happy with what i am now (:

my outfit for today


sweets (:

my jenn

with her ard

i pouts and twist

at 19:31





at 14:55

I'm just too worn-out to blog these days,
just imagine 1 week sleeping time not more than 13hours plus working nonstop.
I felt so much like breaking down anytime.
Oh yeah. That night went Bottoms Up with yongkang again.
This time round, just the two of us.
being too emo that very night. drank finish our unfinished chivas and a bottle of martell.
We didnt manage to finish the martell cause im sleepy plus i know if i continue drinking, i'll get drunk. (:

Went for supper at ard 2.30am?
Home alone at 3am, yk went out to find someone..
Woke up late for work the next morning.. i quitted smoking but started drinking my night away so i wont have insomania (:
i admit i'm already worn out, totally...

just me without you .

i sees my reflection without you

i smile if u're ard

my 2 devilish angel with me (: halloween eve
when i think of you, i read my books.

at 13:51
Sunday, October 28, 2007

I gave up in the morning with 4 staffs of mine opening.
i'm just being owned.
so means no law as i've already given up for that particular moment!
Work is fun with jeannie around.
I just love to strangle her to death, my current hobby! (:
Thanks to sam too. (:
Below you can see how much i enjoyed myself with her around during work!

camwhore lovers

would anyone love us!

i love doing this.

my jeannie doing the same thing

we enjoy everytime !

the smile

will never fade

our seafood platter for 2

at 23:52

thursday, 25/10

boatquay-ing with Gappers.
Happy Birthday ZAX! (:
met up with yongkang in the train and met up with zax at redhill..
walking around boatquay the three of us to search for right pub to go to,
had my dinner with the birthday boy and yongkang there.
NOs aka numbers is fully reserved so we settled at Bottoms up!
Zax starts the ball rolling.
1 bottle of martell for me, yongkang and a jug of beer for himself..
awaiting for the rest of the gappers to come..
rushed to TCC for last min birthday cake purchased. (:
sing along session at bottoms up!
playing darts with yongkang, i have beginner lucks okay? LOL
even the young boss say so. (:
home sweet home after 430am (:

before going out

for someone to laugh

i love to pouts

linaa and me (:

Friday, 26/10
Yeah ~ Met up with cardi today.
frm jurong to tamp to plazasing to esplanade (:
Ate my long time favourite PANCAKE LOVES.
The sun is scorching my eyes, so i took shades out !
waited for cardi for like 121546 minutes at station..
after eating, trained to plaza singapura for movie.
Resident evil : extinction!
That show just freak me out, too gross.
by the way, was loitering around plaza singapura while waiting for the time to pass
to movie time!
Wanted to buy some nonsense thing for myself but nothing seems nice for me that day.
Went to TIMES for some books but still nothing..
Dex and xub came look for me to say hi, and left ..
Movie really gross.
i didnt have my dinner due to that.
i'm too full to have it ! HAHAA
to esplanade with cardi (:
saw SPIDEY's BROTHER. spider ._.
chatted for like hours over at the esplanade. (:
felt so much better after chatting ~
home sweet home after 11pm !

on my way out.


cardi and me . best confidant

sweet surprises (:

at 23:05
Thursday, October 25, 2007

I wanna get well soon.
I want no more flu.
I want strawberries.
I want no worries.
I want to be a princess.
I want dublin mudslide icecream frm ben&jerry.
I want to eat pancake from tamp.
I want the world sweetest thing.
Can i?

I dont wanna work.
I dont wanna fall sick.
I dont wanna look at stars alone.
I dont wanna be the world foolish girl.

I love to sing.
I love to eat.
I love to play under the rain.
I love being showered with loves.
I love the sweetest things in the world.
I love being nonsense.
I love chatting on the phone.
I love shopping.
I love tulip the most (((:
adores me ;D

at 15:03






at 13:21

I'm down with bad bad flu, this time round i'm really sick.
After eating panadol it seems to get worst? i can't even stand too long.
Horrible feeling. Was having a feast in the backroom with jeannie (:
Decision made, will announce to everyone when the time is right.
tonight gonna play whole day. flu flu gets better after resting for whole night!
I shall blog more when inspiration comes! (:

is it tempting?

at 10:49
Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Due to my nonsense behaviour, i'm sick now.
blocked nose at this minute,
nxt minute my nose is running away from me.
shop in a mess, i left the whole mess with sam and nurul,
i got no choice. if i didnt leave, i'm gonna fall real sick!
Met up with jennifer for dinner. as usual, she made a big mess to my top.
dripped chocolate fudge icecream on it when she fed me with her dumb chocolaties ice cream (:
Home sweet home.
blocked nose ;(
i've nothing better to do.
a very wrong thing to do.

at 20:54


i think i'm sick.
really fall asick...
btw after work, trained to buona vista.
supposingly to pass one unknown customer one merchandise.
i felt dumbed, its raining and i dont know the way.
cardi came down from tamp to accompany me to that customer's home.
some place name heritage condo. ._.

caught in the rain, alright im somehow playing.
after that saw that customer's mum.
she's unfriendly! " take so long! "
what the hell~ this is not part of my job okay?
damn it! i feel so unappreciated this time round~

walked back in the rain under the umbrella of cardi's,
sat down at the bus stop for like 12356547 minutes for the cab.
home sweet home.
thanks cardi (: you're being so sweet .

at 01:18
Monday, October 22, 2007

i get cranky at times.
the urge to ring u up just to hear your voice..
i think i'm getting mad, slowly i'm no longer myself.
its rainy day...
i no longer look at stars at night, cause i know u'll never be there with me.

at 10:52
Sunday, October 21, 2007

Yeah~ Met up with Little benny at somerset.
went to cyberdrome to look for Silvy, lord's team.
i'm bored to death right outside cyberdrome, horrible 3 hours~
Saw Jadon and one girl. She's cute lar, esp her voice. ((:

after 3 hours, finally MOW training is over.
Little benny being naughty, took away the lighter that kenneth gave. ;
haaa~ and starts to strangle me like nobody business..
loitered outside cyberdrome finally decided to go for dinner.
guys are troublesome.
anyway i saw cardi ! :) he simply own3d me by saying he's shy when i say he dao me.
and we walk ALL the way from cyberdrome to Plaza singapura, i'm whining throughout to silvy..

Waited for the rest of the guys to reach dhoby ghaut control.
ended up alot of unknown people.
Like Mira, Kenn, Donny, Nerd, and xub . as well as fat evil (:
train-ed to outram park.
Wanchai-ing . Didn't drink much ~
Benny order " 1 coke for her "
Thanks smiling partner... (:
They simply starts to drink and order so much alcohol.
I'm being good girl, dont drink xiao\ying pls~
emo-ed awhile.

Beatrix came over? As usual Pro singer larr (:
xub drunk.
vomitted. ;
home sweet home everyone at 2am..
Went out after that a little while to meet my gf (:
No photos taken cause everything seems so messy!
but i did enjoyed myself cause i get to know new people ! (:

at 12:29
Saturday, October 20, 2007

I'm back for rantings,
Got the mood back for dolling myself up just for the sake of making myself happy.
Reached shop and sam mentioned,
Sam : Hey going clubbing ar?
Candy : no ~ why?
Sam : cause today so sexy !
Candy : everyday 1 what~ runs !

Home sweet home after work with my this outfit,
all colleagues said " you going home?! don't lie~ "
Sorry to disappoint lar i really went home and rest~ (:

Today went to work, i'm late.
everything becomes so flustered due to the new membership thingy~
i'm being clumsy that i injured my bloody hand :
Alright lar i admit ok? i'm clumsy thats why!
Actually is morning shift, changed to full shift cause hengyong is tired and he have to work midnight!

Sam = samantha is sweet lar, buy me mocha frappucino from starbucks (:
she remembers what i like ~ she's being such a nice nice person.
home sweet home after work.
tomorrow gonna wake up for morning shift, and meeting little benny to meet silvy at cyberdrome~ and to wanchai (:

my outfit for 18/10

my left twist

ignore the mess behind .

linaa .

linaa again~

; 19/10


normaaa (:

thanks ili (:

thanks sam (: so sweet

at 00:23
Thursday, October 18, 2007

dublin mudslide early in the morning! (:

i know i'm no longer in your world.
your world unable to have me, cause u never loves me !
it will take me another month to forget you, dont ever come back again.
please~ just let me be the happy one rather than thinking of someone who's never mine!

off to work .

at 11:39
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

1) i dont want to be reminded there.
2) i dont know lord
3) is far
4) i will be tired after work
5) u all might stay long there. and i will die
6) nxt day wrking
7) no money
8) lack of rest already
9) gastric strike up so cannot drink
10 ) later i see u i miss u how? LOL

my 10 reasons for not going to wanchai this saturday for silvy (:
a little own3d but it helps...
multiple post today (:
happy + sad. = no emotional things.
I think im back to normal.
i hope ~ i am.

at 22:36

Met up with Jennifer for dinner.
Told her everything thats bottled up in my mind.
Bought something for myself to cheer myself up.
Its sucks to be upset, cause i spent money !
I'll be okay~ i'll always remember the way you hold me..
that very day ;


my fav mag (:

at 19:34

I'm devastated.
both work and my life just in a mess.
I need to reconsider whether i should run away or maybe leave this place
for time-being ? Just to sort out those mess that created by whoever or maybe myself.

I'll shed no more tears for anyone.
not even when i'm deeply hurt.
(: cause i want no one to see the real me anymore.
I'm deeply affected, very deeply...

pardon my eye bag

i admit i cried, so i need to wear that shades

my outfit for ytd (:

Sam says " blend myself into it " Nice try, but i did laugh (:

at 14:16

I love working with Sam,Nurul, Jeannie, simon, yk, and zax
never ending laughters and they never fail to cheer me up when im at my worst!
My off day being burnt due to Ladies Visual merchandising modelshop thats being
held at wisma gap this morning 630am .

Something just happen and made me broke down totally.
Tons of things a churning in my mind already, just like one more thing that strike me
i'll just breakdown.
" so i don't trust the incharge too? "
What you expect me to say even further? Do i have anymore things to hold me back in this
kind of working environment?
It's not getting anywhere anyway~
No trust then i shall not handle it already, pass it to someone that you all can trust.
I can be very strong but for godsake also know that im fucking vulnerable.
Just 1 sentence made my tears flow out just like that~
I wanna hold it back but what for.. I rather cry my heart out then keeping it inside.

I can't hold so much things in my heart,
i just broke down.
GOODBYE GAP. sooner or later will be my turn to leave this place.
I'm happy NOMORE.

. i'll upload those photos again, blogger error

at 13:02
Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I can't hold back my tears, those songs just reminds me of you.
our past.
that very night at the pub. ;
its only a few hours.
so shit. the feeling just simply so sucky.
be it in the past or present. forget bout it.
i knew its not getting anywhere, but it takes time.

on my way

same old pose

back to store

me and kenneth (:

-> anyway i took his coach's lighter? I TOOK. its not as a gift.

at 00:14