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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Been great, ups and downs for me and my boyfriend.
Getting strong each day passes, I'm sure he's the one.

Now on total workfree period till 17th Sept.
Basically lazing around, not doing anything else but plenty of rest.
Heading to Taiwan in just less than 2 days! OMG
So looking forward, and to those that hurt me once
I'm telling you, I'M SO IN LOVE.
Thank god, I found my love.
AA, Yeo <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">

at 16:04
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Been a long time since love & myself spending time together just the both of us.
Shopping, lunch date, high tea etc.
Enjoyed myself so much, however poor love is down with bad flu and also terrible sore throat.

let's pray hard, I hope love get well soon!

Oh ya, we'd our planning for future.
So no worries!


at 23:34
Monday, February 20, 2012

Never really update as my life seems to be perfect!

He loves me too.

Love you hun, happy monthsaries

at 22:30
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Somehow so in love, too busy to even have time to on the computer to log on here!
Just quick update.
In love, yes I am. Probably few years down the road, I'll be Mrs Yeo ? HAHAHA Hope lah hor!
Time spent fulfilling!

Wouldn't want disturbance, yes especially unnecessary Full of nonsense people who once messed up my life. Sorry i wouldn't want you back in my life.
Mum seen Andrian, she's happy too!
Dar's parents wanna have a simple dinner with my mum!
Soon soon? Hopefully able to make it!


at 22:13
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Man was saying "B you haven't been blogging"
Okay, I'm just too busy focusing on you!
That's all.

at 22:56
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Seldom log in here already!
Been spending time to the maximum, yes now it's the start of everything

Till then, I'll update when everything settled down (:

at 21:00
Friday, October 21, 2011

Haha! So girlish! Hope it's a good starts!
Counting down to 3 more days to work! Looking forward!

at 14:10
Thursday, October 20, 2011

双鱼座 引爆指数:80%

在十二星座中最神奇的,就属双鱼座了。温和的鱼鱼忍功是一流的,而且他很会向人认错。但也因为这样的个性,反过来被鱼鱼惹火的人却不少。因为爱做梦的 鱼鱼,总想些不切实际的工作,造成别人的阻碍。而当别人一再原谅他的过错之后,他也一再的重复犯错。更可怕的是,鱼鱼从不认为他们的想法是梦幻的。









at 21:51
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

我想知道她哪裡比我好很多 在你心中她和我有什麼不同
我知道我比她付出的還多 可是我 總換不了你的心動

我知道了她哪裡比我好更多 在你心中我永遠不可能會讓你心動
我知道我比她付出的還多 可是我 在你心中沒有她多...

at 16:30
Sunday, October 16, 2011

It explains everything.
I'm not hoping, just want you have my most blessing.

loving still...

at 17:59